Placements @ SRIT

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

Statistics Day

  • June 27, 2023
  • admin
In recognition of the notable contributions made by Professor (late) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the fields of statistics and economic planning, Government of India has designated 29th June every year,...
The International Day of Mathematics is a global event that celebrates mathematics! It aims to educate people about the essential role of mathematics in science and technology, improve quality...

National Mathematics Day

  • December 21, 2022
  • admin
Every year, 22 December is observed as National Mathematics Day to mark the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, a renowned Indian mathematician. Mathematics Day is marked to celebrate his...