Placements @ SRIT

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

Research & Consultancy Cell

R&C Cell-SRIT:

Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology (SRIT) promotes a meaningful Research and Consultancy cell with the vision and mission to promote research in areas that truly serve the community and to promote research in the challenging and emerging frontier areas of engineering, technology, science and the humanities.


 R&C Cell- SRIT aims to foster a research culture in the college by promote, coordinate and implement research activities of faculty and students. It enhances the general research capacity of emerging researchers and enhance institute research output such as publications, patents, etc.


  • Identify the potential areas of research in various disciplines of engineering and form the faculty into various clusters based on their specialization.
  • Prepare and submit proposals to research agencies for funding projects.
  • Encourage multi-disciplinary research internally within the institute and externally with other organizations.
  • Encourage the staff to attend/publish papers in various National/International conferences of their specialized areas.
  • Coordinate the research activities among the various departments of the college.
  • Encourage the faculty to attend various research oriented Faculty development programs.
  • Encourage and motivate the staff to apply for Ph.D at various Universities.
  • Encourage the staff to publish their research works in reputed journals that have good impact factor and are Scopus indexed.
  • Plan for resource mobilization through industry interaction, consultancy and Extramural funding.
  • Identify the students project proposals and scrutinize to apply for financial support.

Shodhana: R&D Newsletter

S. NoVolume
1Vol-1, October 2021


Contact Us:

Dr. U. Raghu Babu, M. Tech., Ph. D
Convener, Research & Development Cell,
Associate Professor in CIV.
Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology,
Rotarypuram, Anantapuramu-515701.

Mail:  |
Mobile No: +91-9177964984