Placements @ SRIT

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

2023-24 Placements: TCS – 14 (Prime 1 (9 LPA), Digital 3 (7 LPA), Ninja 10 (3.36 LPA)), Enzen – 1 (9 LPA), ZOHO 1 (7.2 LPA), Qatar Airways 1 ( 8.8 LPA), Accenture 37 (4.5 LPA), Deloitte 4 (4.5 LPA), GoDigit 5 (4.5 LPA), Regami Solutions 4 (3 to 5 LPA), The India Cements 3 (3.6 LPA), INDO-MIM 6 (3.3 LPA), Movate 1 (3.2 LPA), Savantis 72 (3 LPA), PiLog 27 (2.16 LPA), Syntec Systems 4 (2.5 LPA), Cape Electric 3 (2.5 LPA)

Humanities & Sciences (H&S)

Intro of H & S Program

The Department of Humanities and Sciences occupies a place of pride in Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology as it is the backbone for Engineering &Technology curriculum. Keeping this in mind, it has been established in the academic year 2008 with its main objective being “To deliver quality education and instill high patterns of discipline in order to make the students technologically superior and ethically strong thus improving the quality of human life.”
The department is founded on the conviction that the Humanities give purpose, direction and value to education and life. Sciences provide a conceptual base in basic sciences which form a foundation to the engineering subjects. As a pillar to all the engineering departments, it comprises of five basic disciplines namely, English & Soft skills, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Management Sciences.
The Department of Humanities & Sciences plays a pivotal role in inculcating basic scientific knowledge and overall development of the child. It provides an ideal environment for the freshmen students to pursue their engineering by taking advantage of the well-established facilities and expertise available within the department and on-campus.

20 k+
150 +
2 k+

How to Apply

We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.